significant price difference with triple pane glass, but the long-term energy savings can definitely help provide a good return on your initial investment.
2.Spacer – this is the middle of the IGU sandwich, so to speak. A spacer is a thin ribbon of metal (either treated steel or stainless steel, depending on the options chosen) that is inserted between the panes of glass to provide spacing for dead airspace between the panes of glass. The dead airspace is the insulating part, so the spacer is critical to an IGU’s performance. 3.Butyl Rubber – this is a synthetic rubber material that is used to coat and seal the outside perimeter of the spacer for an air-tight IGU. 4.Argon Gas – this is a colorless, odorless, inert gas that is commonly injected between the panes of glass for enhanced insulation. Argon is heavier than the air we breathe, so it is used to provide improved energy efficiency in modern windows. Krypton gas was also an option historically, but many window manufacturers have gotten away from offering Krypton, as the cost of the gas has become prohibitive and out of reach for most customers. 5.Low-E Coating – this is a microscopic coating applied to one of the surfaces of the glass unit (typically an interior surface in the Northern Climate). Low-E coating provides enhanced energy efficiency and reduces UV light penetration and damage to furniture and flooring. In addition to providing excellent energy savings, the double or triple pane glass in modern windows can also provide something often not considered – noise reduction! In fact, we recently installed a whole house full of windows for a local customer, who commented that he could not believe how quiet his bedroom was after installing the new windows. He was so used to the old windows and the noise transmitted through them, that he had to turn on a fan for noise to help him sleep! This is a real-life example of how the insulating benefits of new windows can extend beyond energy savings and provide additional peace and quiet in your home. This can be especially important (and noticeable) if you live in a community or neighborhood where the homes are close to each other or if you live near a busy street or road. Conclusion Modern windows come standard with insulated glass and can be ordered with double pane glass or triple pane glass, for optimal energy efficiency. Further, adding options like argon gas and low-e coating can enhance the performance of insulated glass. And new windows with insulated glass can enhance the enjoyment and value of your house by reducing noise from the outside world. If you are interested in learning more about highly efficient, quiet windows, contact us today and one of our friendly staff will be happy to help! Comments are closed.